Cupping Massage Therapy

This therapeutic technique uses special cups to create suction on the skin, promoting healing and relaxation. The therapist places glass, silicone, or plastic cups on various areas of the body, to create gentle negative pressure. This suction draws the skin and underlying tissue upwards, which can help to increase blood flow, release muscle tension, reduce pain and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Cupping therapy may leave temporary red marks on the skin—resulting from the suction’s effects—these typically fade within a few days. This non-invasive therapy is ideal for anyone looking to experience deep muscle relaxation, improve mobility, and pain relief.

Andrea Ruiter

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Brittany Ward

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Jaclyn Jacobs

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Lindsay Petersen

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Madison Chanski

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Marisha Shegda

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Rhia Sydenham

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Sara McLean

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Stephanie Chamberland

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Therapeutic Massage Kneads Inc

1102 2255 32St NE,
Calgary, AB
T1Y 0C2


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